School Philosophy

Archbishop Mitty High School is the Catholic, coeducational, college preparatory school of the Diocese of San Jose. As such, the school concentrates on the intellectual development of young adults through the synthesis of faith and reason, the formation of Catholic values, and the preparation for a global society. This education occurs in a Catholic environment that is dependent upon working in partnership with parents. The administration, faculty, staff, and Board of Regents of Archbishop Mitty High School are committed to the development of young adults who are intellectually curious, faith-filled, just, and respectful leaders.

The education of the whole person is critical to the development of young adults, and Archbishop Mitty embraces this through a rigorous and dynamic academic curriculum that seeks to gradually develop “students’ intellectual, physical, psychological, moral, and religious capacities” (Miller). Across the curriculum, students are challenged to think critically and analytically, seeking truth in the abundance of information and assumptions that dominate modern life. Contemporary society is “an information-driven society which bombards [students] indiscriminately with data—all treated as being of equal importance—and which leads to remarkable superficiality in the area of moral discernment. In response, we need to provide an education which teaches critical thinking and encourages the development of mature moral values” (Pope Francis). Conscious effort is given to guide students to become young adults who understand the moral complexity of the world and to understand how this recognition of truth can lead to positive action beyond Archbishop Mitty.

Recognizing that the world is constantly changing, Archbishop Mitty educators strive to be “guided by a changing generation and know that, therefore, every educator…is required to change, in the sense of knowing how to communicate with the young” (Pope Francis). As an institution that encourages a culture of innovation, the school’s curriculum is constantly evolving, designed to reflect the skills and knowledge necessary for students to achieve success and supported by current technologies that are viewed as tools to enhance student learning. A concentrated effort is put on developing a worldview that is both macro and micro, preparing for a global world includes a focus on the application of Catholic values to action by encouraging students to not wait for others to take the lead, but to be leaders themselves. The co-curricular program at Archbishop Mitty provides a wealth of opportunities for students to further develop themselves with the emphasis on empowering and challenging them to be successful in whatever arena they choose.

The success of each Archbishop Mitty student is dependent upon the partnership between the school and the parents. Recognizing that parents are the students’ primary educators, Archbishop Mitty seeks to “work as a team for the school’s common good” (Miller). This concept of a team assists the students in their  intellectual, emotional, social, and spiritual development, with a critical component of this being distinctive care for student wellness the school’s faculty, staff, and administration. To best support student success, the school has created a sense of community at Archbishop Mitty that is palpable. Students are encouraged to try new things, and disappointments are handled with dignity and respect. Students at Archbishop Mitty can be themselves, and the spirit of acceptance permeates beyond the physical building. The environment is Catholic, one that is illuminated by “the light of faith…and the Christian way of thought and life…permeates all facets of the educational climate” (Religious Dimension).  

As a Catholic institution, we seek to embrace “the synthesis between culture and faith” and “to interweave reason and faith” to develop “a Christian view of the world, of life, of culture and history” (Miller). Recognizing that there is no separation between learning and formation, we seek to teach academic subjects as well as empathy and compassion for others, through an understanding of Gospel values. 

Because Archbishop Mitty’s community includes individuals of other faith traditions, students come to understand faith in a world context, which allows students to draw parallels as well as understand that faith is an aspect of the education of the whole person.

Archbishop Mitty seeks to educate young adults to become intellectually curious, just, faith-filled, and respectful leaders. This is achieved through the recognition that each person is made in the image and likeness of God, and through a comprehensive educational program that seeks to educate the whole person in a welcoming environment that embraces the synthesis of faith and reason, the formation of Catholic values, and the preparation of students for a global society.



Miller, Archbishop J. Michael.  The Holy See’s Teaching on Catholic Schools, Congregation for Catholic Education, 2006.

Pope Francis. Address of the Holy Father to Teachers and Religious, 2010.

The Religious Dimension of Education in a Catholic School, 1988.