FAQ Class of 2018

Registration for classes for the subsequent year is undertaken during February and March.  Here are some frequently-asked questions related to course schedules:

1. What courses should I take to be successful?

AMHS guarantees all students will be scheduled for all the courses necessary to be accepted to a four-year university.

2. What are my choices for completing my English requirement?

Students who are not placed in AP English Literature must rank all senior English electives. These are one semester courses. The course descriptions are on the website under Academics. It is necessary to rank all the courses in the area so that the registrar has the opportunity to provide a preferred alternative if your first choice is not available.

3. What are my choices for completing my Religious Studies requirement?

Seniors are required to take two semesters of Religious Studies electives. The course descriptions are on the website under Academics. It is necessary to rank all the courses in the area so that the registrar has the opportunity to provide a preferred alternative if your first choice is not available.

4. When should I add electives to my schedule?

All AMHS students must carry at a minimum of six (6) classes each semester. It is mandatory that a student add electives if the assigned program does not fulfill this requirement. If one needs to add electives in Art and/or Physical Development to make this number, it is necessary to rank all the courses in the area so that the registrar has the opportunity to provide a preferred alternative if your first choice is not available.

5. I need to complete my Visual Art or Performing Art requirement. What do I need to do?

The second semester of the Visual Art or Performing Art requirement (2 semesters) must be in the same area of concentration as the first semester taken during the freshman year. It is necessary to rank all the  courses in the area so that the registrar has the opportunity to provide a preferred alternative if your first choice is not available.

6. I completed my Visual Art or Performing Art requirement and I still need to fill my schedule. There are no more courses  available in my area of concentration, i.e. Dance so what do I do?

Rank all courses in another area of concentration, i.e. Visual Art 2, Drama Performance 2. If a full year of Visual or Performing Art is needed then in addition to Visual Art 1, Drama Performance 1, Guitar 1, all second level courses in the same area need to be ranked, i.e. Visual Art 1 and VA2/Drawing or VA2/Painting, Drama Performance 1 and DP2 Film TV or DP2 Acting

7. I need to complete my Physical Development elective. What do I need to do?

You are required to complete Physical Development 2. Rank all PD 2 courses.

8. What is a Physical Development Waiver and how do I obtain one?

Seniors who are registered for year-long courses in mathematics, world languages and science may apply for a one-semester waiver for physical development. (The rule is 3 year-long academic electives) Participation in an extra-curricular sport does not meet physical development requirements for graduation. Contact your counselor for questions regarding qualifing for a PD waiver. Students may obtain the Request for Physical Development Waiver form from their counselor.

9. If I am interested, how may Honors and/or Advanced Placement courses should I take? I don’t want to be too stressed.

Honors and Advanced Placement courses qualify the individual for acceptance to more selective universities, e.g. UCLA. If you are interested in a more selective university, you should take the advanced courses you qualify for in each academic department. If you are experiencing difficulty with an advanced course or your course load, you should quickly make an appointment with your counselor.

10. Is it possible to be moved out of a scheduled Honors or Advanced Placement course if my grades are not as strong at the end of this semester?

Yes. Placement requires a qualifying grade for both semesters.

11. I am scheduled to take an Honors or Advanced Placement course but I just want to take the regular college prep course. What do I need to do?

Talk to your counselor and the Department Chair to request a different placement. Parental approval is also required.

12. If I was not assigned a course for next year, such as Spanish, because my first semester grade did not qualify me, can I add it later if my grades improve the second semester?

That depends on the course. Talk to your teacher about this concern. It may be possible to add the requested course to your schedule if you have made significant improvement in your grade by the end of the school year. You will need permission of the department chair to add the course.

13. I am interested in being part of the Yearbook staff. How do I do that?

Contact Mr. Jeff Petersen, jpetersen@mitty.com and request an application.

14. How do my parents approve of the courses I’ve chosen?

Your parents will be able to view your list of courses in April. If they have concerns about course placement, they may contact the appropriate department chair. The email addresses are on this website. Student requests for Add/Drops as preferences are handled during the Add/Drop period.

15. Can I change my schedule after I am able to view it? How do I do that?

The Add/Drop period is July 31st through August 9th. Schedule changes for demonstrated academic need are possible, but options are limited. Email the Registrar’s Office to make your request. 

16. Can I discuss my proposed courses with anyone to make sure it is the best for me given my future college goals and personal interests?

Juniors will discuss their courses with their counselors during religious studies classes on March 16th and 17th.