Honor Societies


National Honor Society and California Scholarship Federation are the only two honor societies affiliated with AMHS. Neither organization requires dues or payment of any kind. AMHS will purchase stoles and cords to be worn at graduation for those students who meet AMHS’s qualifications to graduate with those honors.

National Honor Society and California Scholarship Federation are the only two honor societies affiliated with AMHS. Neither organization requires dues or payment of any kind. AMHS will purchase stoles and cords to be worn at graduation for those students who meet AMHS’s qualifications to graduate with those honors.

National Honor Society (NHS) and California Scholarship Federation (CSF) are nationally recognized scholarship organizations. Membership is based on semester grade point averages. NHS/CSF members do not have to complete an extra service requirement but are asked to participate in the “Teens for Teens” drive that runs in conjunction with other AMHS Campus Ministry drives in the fall.

Membership in NHS/CSF also provides opportunities with other AMHS service projects such as the Mother/Daughter Breakfast, Back to School Night, Black and Gold, AMHS Auction, College Fairs, and Graduation.

Being a member of NHS/CSF looks great on college applications, offers special recognition at graduation, and can provide scholarships for active members.

California Scholarship Federation – based on Semester Academic GPA

Founded in 1921, the California Scholarship Federation is the oldest scholarship institution in the state of California. The California Scholarship Federation (CSF) emphasizes high standards of scholarship and community service for California high school students. The motto of CSF is “Scholarship for Service”.

CSF membership is based on the Semester Academic GPA. CSF uses a point system, which is equivalent to a 3.60 AMHS Academic Grade Point Average. To secure eligibility for CSF membership, a student must earn sufficient points from pre-approved course lists. All AMHS classes are approved.

Membership begins with the second semester freshmen grades and every semester thereafter.  Eligible members should complete the NHS/CSF on- line survey on Naviance/Family Connection in the “About Me” tab. The survey is open the second week of each semester and can only remain open for three weeks.

In order to wear a gold CSF stole at graduation students must maintain a semester academic GPA of 3.60 or above for any four of five semesters beginning with the first semester sophomore year and must include first semester senior year grades.

Gold stoles, gold diploma seals, and CSF pins are distributed before finals in May.

National Honor Society – based on Semester Total GPA

Teens for Teens Christmas Gifts (pdf)

Membership in the National Honor Society is both an honor and a responsibility. Students are expected to maintain and demonstrate the qualities of scholarship, service, leadership, and character.

NHS membership is based on the Semester Total GPA. Students with a semester total GPA of 3.60 or higher are eligible for NHS membership. Eligible members should complete the NHS/CSF on- line survey on Naviance/Family Connection in the “About Me” tab. The survey is open the second week of each semester and can only remain open for three weeks.

Unlike CSF, if a student’s semester total semester GPA falls below a 3.60, they are no longer eligible to wear the NHS cord at graduation.

In order to wear a gold NHS cord at graduation students must maintain a semester total GPA of 3.60 or higher for three consecutive semesters (fall and spring junior year and first semester senior year).

Gold cords and National Honor Society Certificates are distributed before finals in May.