Scheduling Calendar

AMHS registers students into two types of courses, restricted courses (e.g. honors and AP courses) and elective courses. The department chair places students in restricted courses for next year according to demonstrated academic achievement in classes this year. Students may choose different elective courses based upon student interest and available seats in the particular courses.


Student Scheduling Calendar 2018/2019

Our scheduling process for the 2018-2019 year begins in January.

Students enrolled in our core college preparatory classes are automatically enrolled in the next level of college preparatory class, e.g. Geometry students move on to Algebra II. The complete course list including all pre-requisites will be available in January on our Website ( under Academics/ Department Pages.

Parents are encouraged to contact the appropriate department chair with questions regarding their student's academic program.

Department Chairs

Department Chair Voice Mail
English Mick VanValkenburg 408.342.4305
Mathematics Matt DePalma 408.342.4267
World Languages Shelley Hopkins 408.342.4289
Performing Arts Doug Santana  408.342.4341
Physical Education Dave Brown 408.342.4275
Religious Studies John Mosunic 408.342.4324
Science Kate Slevin 408.342.4344
Social Studies Graham Oleson 408.342.4288
Visual Arts Peggy Lemak 408.342.4316


Honors, AP, Restricted Courses: Exams and Application Deadlines for 2018/2019

Honors, AP, Restricted Courses: Exams and Application Deadlines for the 2018/2019 school year
(Requirements for all Honors, AP, and Restricted Courses are discussed with students within their classes.

Date Event

Six Ethics, Culture, and Justice (ECJ) elective courses in Religious Studies will be offered next year for juniors. ECJ: California, ECJ: El Salvador, ECJ: India, ECJ: Native American Experience and ECJ: South Africa culminate in two-week, service-immersion trips. 

Feb 20 Science Exam for Honors/AP
Feb 21

World Languages Exam for Level II Honors; Level I students only,

Applications due for World Language III Honors and AP courses

Feb 22

English Exam for Honors/AP

Feb 23 Social Studies AP Senior Elective Placement Request form due. The form is distruted through current social studies teachers.


Student Scheduling Calendar for 2018/2019



March 22, 23

Freshmen register in English classes

March 21, 22

Sophomores register in social studies classes

March 19, 20

Juniors register in religious studies classes


Student lists of classes available to parents for review

May 4

Final date for parents/students to request placement changes

August 1 - 10

Add/Drop period with no fee imposed

September 1

Add/Drop period closes ($25.00 fee incurred between August 12 and September 1)