World Languages

The World Languages Department provides students with the tools to communicate in a second language in the global community. To achieve this goal, students are taught using increasingly more of the target language in the classroom. By the third year, the majority of classroom instruction is conducted in the target language. Emphasis is placed on student production, both oral and written, as well as the development of listening skills and reading comprehension. All classes expose students to the varied cultures of the people who speak the language they are learning, and they are taught to respect and appreciate cultural differences.


American Sign Language - Grades 9 - 12 - Yearlong course

The intent of this course is to enable students to communicate on a basic level within the Deaf community using entry level knowledge of American Sign Language.  This will be developed and achieved through use of voices off lectures, basic expressive and receptive practice, small group activities, videos and approved websites. Fingerspelling, base vocabulary, grammatical points, forms of expression, idioms, hearing science, and Deaf culture are emphaiszed.  Deaf culture includes the history of deafness, contemporary issues and society’s ways of dealing with deafness, the history of signs around the world and the history of American Sign Language.

Outside Classtime Requirements:  Two outside Deaf social events per semester (an approved list will be provided) and a tour of the California School for the Deaf, Fremont.

UC/CSU approved course
NCAA Core Course

Prerequisite: none

French I - Grades 9 -12 - Yearlong course

The intent of this course is to enable students to communicate using simple sentence structures in the present tense. This communication will be developed and enhanced through lectures, oral and written practice, small group activities, visual and technological aids. Instruction in basic grammar, vocabulary, and oral expression lays the framework for continuing in the language. In addition, the course will give students an appreciation for the differences and similarities between the American and French cultures. Instruction is in French whenever possible.

UC/CSU approved course
NCAA Core Course

Prerequisite: none

French II - Grades 9 -12 - Yearlong course

The intent of this course is to enable students to continue to build on oral and written communication learned in the first level. Communication will be developed and enhanced through greater use of French in the classroom, cooperative learning activities, listening and writing exercises, oral presentations, and multi-media activities.

UC/CSU approved course
NCAA Core Course

Prerequisite: French I

French II Honors - Grades 9 -12 - Yearlong course

This course will begin to prepare students for eventual placement in AP French Language. Moving at a faster pace, grammar concepts and vocabulary will be covered in greater depth than in French II. Communication will be developed and enhanced through greater use of French in the classroom. In this intensive course, students will be expected to produce complex writing and oral communication. Students will learn through cooperative learning activities, listening and writing exercises, oral presentations and multi-media activities. Additionally, the course will give the students an appreciation for cultural differences and similarities, through reading and projects.

UC/CS approved course
NCAA Core Course

Prerequisite: French I with A both semesters and successful completion of the challenge exam in February

French III - Grades 9 -12 - Yearlong course

French III is a recommended course by the UC system and other highly selected colleges. It is a significantly more difficult course than French II. This is an advanced course that develops the students’ ability to comprehend and use French in both oral and written form. The majority of the class will be conducted, both by the teacher and students, in French. The goal of the course is to enable the students to communicate using new and previously learned verb structure and vocabulary. Grammar, vocabulary and oral expression are studied in greater depth in an effort to expand and enhance the students’ knowledge of the French language and culture. The course will continue to give students an appreciation for the differences and similarities between the cultures of the United States and France through various media.

UC/CSU approved course
NCAA Core Course

Prerequisite: French II with B-

French III Honors - Grades 9 -12 - Yearlong course

This is an advanced course which develops the students’ ability to comprehend and use French in both oral and written form. The majority of the class will be conducted, both by the teacher and students in French. The goal of the course is to enable the students to communicate using new and previously learned verb structures, grammar, and vocabulary. Grammar, vocabulary and oral expression are studied in greater depth in an effort to expand and enhance the students’ knowledge of French and French cultures. The course will continue to give students an appreciation for the differences and similarities between the United States and French cultures.

UC/CSU approved course
NCAA Core Course

Prerequisite: French II Honors with B both semesters; French II with an A both semesters and successful completion of a challenge exam in February.

AP French Language - Grades 10 -12 - Yearlong course

The goal of this course is to refine students’ ability to communicate effectively in French in the four skill areas: speaking, listening, reading, and writing. By the end of the course, the students will be able to narrate in various tenses, describe, give an opinion, and defend it in French. The students will develop listening skills through classroom conversation and the use of audio and videos. This will enable students to understand people whose native language is French. The students’ reading skills will improve as many different kinds of reading materials are analyzed, including poetry and plays from various Francophone authors. Writing practices will allow concentration on idiomatic French in order to produce organized essays using the AP guidelines.

UC/CSU approved course
NCAA Core Course

Students enrolled in this course are required to take the AP examination in May. There is a College Board fee assessed for this examination that will be added to the students' tuition. No final exam is administered in this course in the spring semester.

Prerequisite: French III Honors with B; French III with an A both semesters and successful completion of a challenge exam in February.

Mandarin I - Grade 9 –11, Yearlong course

This course will introduce the student to the study of Mandarin Chinese. It is designed for true beginners in the language. The goals of this course are to introduce students to basic pronunciation, sentence structures, reading and writing of modern Chinese, and a general understanding of cultural practices in the Chinese-speaking world

UC/CSU approved course
NCAA Core Course

Prerequisite: minimum 70% national scores on composite and language portions of the High School Placement Exam

Mandarin II - Grades 9 -12 Yearlong course

The intent of this course is to enable students to continue to build on oral and written communication learned in the first level. Communication will be developed and enhanced through greater use of Mandarin in the classroom, cooperative learning activities, listening and writing exercises, oral presentations and multi-media activities and guest speakers. In addition, students will explore practical venues for their future use of the language.

UC/CSU approved course
NCAA Core Course

Prerequisite: Mandarin I with a B both semesters

Matriculation: Students who achieve an A may move to Mandarin III Honors (when the course is offered). Students with a B or higher may move to Mandarin III.


Mandarin III Honors - Grades 9 -12 Yearlong course

This advanced course will prepare students for placement in AP Chinese Language and Culture. The entire class will be conducted, both by the teacher and students, in Mandarin. Grammar, vocabulary and oral expression are studied in greater depth in an effort to expand and enhance the students’ knowledge of Mandarin and Chinese cultures in preparation for the AP Chinese Language and Culture class.

UC/CSU approved course
NCAA Core Course

Prerequisite: Mandarin II with an A both semesters

AP Chinese Language and Culture - Grades 10 -12 – Yearlong course

This intensive course is designed to provide students with a learning experience equivalent to that of a fourth-semester college course. The aim of the course is to refine the students’ interpersonal, interpretive, and presentational communicative skills in Mandarin, expand on vocabulary and idiomatic expressions, and develop an in-depth understanding of Chinese history and contemporary society. Extensive speaking assignments on various topics, reading of authentic texts and writing in different genres and registers are required.

UC/CSU approved course
NCAA Core Course

Students enrolled in this course are required to take the AP examination in May. There is a College Board fee assessed for this examination that will be added to the students' tuition. No final exam is administered in this course in the spring semester.

Prerequisite: Mandarin III H with B; Mandarin III with an A both semesters and successful completion of a challenge exam in February.

Spanish I - Grades 9 -12 - Yearlong course

This is an entry level course in Spanish emphasizing listening, speaking, reading and writing Spanish. The intent of this course is to enable students to communicate using simple sentence structures in the present tense. This communication will be developed and enhanced through lectures, oral, listening, reading and writing practice, small group activities, visual and technological aids. Instruction in basic grammar, vocabulary, and oral expression lays the framework for continuing in the language. In addition, the course will give students an appreciation for the differences and similarities within the Hispanic culture.

UC/CSU approved course
NCAA Core Course

Prerequisite: none

Spanish I Accelerated - Grades 9 -12 - Yearlong course

Spanish I Accelerated is designed for students who have had one or more Spanish courses in junior high school, but still need to master some topics in the Spanish I curriculum. Because these students can ask and answer questions in Spanish, they will cover Spanish I class material at an accelerated pace. In addition, they will acquire the following: expanded vocabulary, increased reading proficiency, improved oral expression, increased aural proficiency, and the ability to write short compositions. In addition, the course will give students an appreciation for the differences and similarities within the Hispanic culture.

UC/CSU approved course
NCAA Core Course

Prerequisite: Successful completion of the Spanish I placement exam in April

Matriculation: Students who achieve a B+ or better each semester will move to Spanish II Honors. Students with a B or lower at the end of the first semester may take the challenge exam for possible placement in Spanish II Honors. Placement in Spanish II or Spanish II Honors will be based on the results of this exam and the student's final grade.

Heritage Spanish - Grade 9 - 12 - Yearlong course

This class is designed to introduce Spanish speakers to the academic study of the Spanish language. While the course will support development of oral and listening skills, it will focus on reading and writing skills. Students will study the cultures and histories of various Spanish speaking countries. Areas of study will also include spelling problems, the use of accents, the structure of language, and the identification and uses of tenses and parts of speech. The course is thematically organized and incorporates Spanish literature from a variety of cultures.

UC/CSU approved course
NCAA Core Course

Prerequisite: Students must demonstrate strong achievement on the placement test taken during the admissions process and be strong Spanish speakers.

Matriculation: Students who achieve a high A (95% or above) will be eligible to challenge into AP Spanish the following year. They must pass the challenge test and maintain the high A (95% or above) during the second semester. Students with a B+ or better both semesters will move to Spanish III Honors. Students with a B or B- both semesters will move to Spanish III. Students with a C+ or lower both semesters will move to Spanish II.

Spanish II - Grades 9-12 - Yearlong course

The intent of this course is to enable students to continue to build on oral and written communication learned in the first level. Communication will be developed and enhanced through greater use of Spanish in the classroom, cooperative learning activities, listening, writing and reading exercises and oral presentations. Students will gain an appreciation of Hispanic music, geography, and culture

UC/CSU approved course
NCAA Core Course

Prerequisite: Spanish I

Spanish II Honors - Grades 9 -12 - Yearlong course

This course will begin to prepare students for eventual placement in AP Spanish Language. Moving at a fast pace, grammar concepts and vocabulary will be covered in greater depth than in Spanish II. Communication will be developed and enhanced through greater use of Spanish in the classroom. In this intensive course students will be expected to produce complex writing and oral communication. Students will learn through cooperative learning activities, listening and writing exercises, oral presentations, and multi-media activities. Additionally, the course will give students an appreciation of the Hispanic culture. This course will be taught entirely in Spanish.

UC/CSU approved course
NCAA Core Course

Prerequisite: Spanish I with A both semesters and successful completion of challenge exam in February or Spanish I Accelerated with a B+

Spanish III - Grades 9 -12 - Yearlong course

Spanish III is a recommended course by the UC system and other highly selective colleges. It is a significantly more difficult course than Spanish II. This is an advanced course which develops the students’ ability to comprehend and use Spanish in both oral and written form. The majority of the class will be conducted, both by the teacher and students, in Spanish. The goal of the course is to enable the students to communicate using new and previously learned verb structures, grammar, and vocabulary. Grammar, vocabulary and oral expression are studied in greater depth in an effort to expand and enhance the students’ knowledge of Spanish and Hispanic cultures. The course will continue to give students an appreciation for cultural differences and similarities.

UC/CSU approved course
NCAA Core Course

Prerequisite: Spanish II with B-

Spanish III Honors - Grades 9 -12 - Yearlong course

This course will continue to prepare students for placement in AP Spanish Language. This is an advanced course which develops the students’ ability to comprehend and use Spanish in both oral and written form. The entire class will be conducted, both by the teacher and students, in Spanish. Grammar, vocabulary, and oral expression are studied at a fast pace and in great depth with attention to expressing oneself with accurate nuances. At this point the student is capable of using Spanish for his/her practical use and is beginning to express opinions, emotions and other more abstract concepts.

UC/CSU approved course
NCAA Core Course

Prerequisite: Spanish II Honors with B both semesters; Spanish II with an A both semesters, successful completion of challenge exam in February

Spanish IV - Grades 10 -12 - Yearlong course

This is an advanced course that develops the students' ability to comprehend and use the target language. This class will be conducted, both by the teacher and students, in the target language. The intent of the course is to enable the student to communicate using verb structures, grammar, and vocabulary learned in the first three levels. Students will be introduced to more complex grammatical tenses, structures, and vocabulary.

UC/CSU approved course
NCAA Core Course

Prerequisite: Spanish III with B-

AP Spanish Language and Culture - Grades 10 -12 - Yearlong course

The goal of this course is to refine students’ ability to communicate effectively in Spanish in the four skill areas: speaking, listening, reading, and writing. By the end of the course, students will be able to narrate in various tenses, describe, give and defend an opinion. Students will develop listening skills through classroom conversation and the use of audio, DVD, BBC Mundo, and internet sources. This will enable students to understand people whose native language is Spanish (and who do not necessarily speak slowly). The students’ reading skills will improve as many different kinds of reading materials are analyzed, including poetry and plays from various Spanish-speaking authors. Writing practices will allow concentration on idiomatic Spanish in order to produce organized essays using the AP guidelines. Students will study different Spanish speaking countries to better understand their unique cultures. 

UC/CSU approved course
NCAA Core Course

Students enrolled in this course are required to take the AP examination in May. There is a College Board fee assessed for this examination that will be added to the students' tuition. No final exam is administered in this course in the spring semester.

Prerequisite: Spanish III Honors with B; Spanish III with an A both semesters and successful completion of the challenge exam in February.

Spanish V - Grades 11-12 - Yearlong course

This course emphasizes development of skills necessary for group discussion, dialogue, and individual oral presentations on topics pertaining to everyday life, current issues and events, and social problems. The class is organized around different types of oral communication. Additional areas of study will include films, grammatical structures, readings, and compositions. This course will be conducted entirely in Spanish. Students are expected to speak only Spanish in the classroom.

UC/CSU approved course
NCAA Core Course

Prerequisite: Spanish IV or AP Spanish Language with B-