Adult Theology Series

Archbishop Mitty understands that a student’s faith is deeply interconnected to his or her family. Parents are the first educators on faith and religion.  In response, Archbishop Mitty provides opportunities for parents, adult family members of our students, and alumni to help deepen their faith through a lecture series.

Throughout the course of the year, Campus Ministry will host two evenings of learning, discussion, and sharing for our parents, faculty, staff, and alumni. These will be opportunities to hear from our highly educated and dynamic faculty as they bring relevant topics from their classroom to all of you. Be prepared to share a beverage and small bite while learning more and discussing questions about our Catholic faith. The evening begins with casual discussions during a social hour and then we will hear a presentation by one of our faculty members, followed by some time for questions and answers to conclude.

 Dates for 2018-2019. Topics and speakers are forthcoming. 

In Whose Image? Consciousness, the Soul and Artificial Intelligence
Sigrid Jacobsen, Religious Studies and Science Teacher
Tuesday, October 9th
Please RSVP here.

Helping a Teen Find Their Most Authentic Self: Virtue Ethics
Tim Wesmiller, Director of Campus Ministry and Religious Studies Teacher
Tuesday, January 29th

Other Events in the Diocese and Beyond:


Retreat Centers

Recommended Reading

  • A Spirituality of Living, Henri J.M. Nouwen
  • My Life with the Saints, James Martin, S.J.
  • The Holy Longing, Fr. Ronald Rolheiser, OMI
  • Pope Francis: Why He Leads the Way He Leads, Chris Lowney

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