Christian Service

Jesus and his disciples were at supper. Jesus, knowing that the Father had given him all things into his hands, and that he had come from God and was going to God, got up from the table, took off his outer robe, and tied a towel around his waist.  Then he poured water into a basin and began to wash the disciples’ feet…  - John 13: 2 – 5

The Christian Service Program seeks to provide you with the opportunity to witness your commitment to Christian values through service to the wider community.  You are required to complete a minimum of 20 hours during each of your years at Archbishop Mitty for a total of 80 hours before graduation. As much as possible, your service should involve direct interaction with people and should address injustices in the wider community.  You may not miss any school time to complete service work.

The Campus Ministry and Religious Studies departments work together to facilitate the Christian Service Program.

Graduation Requirement

2018-2019 service due date is Second Semester: Day 1, Week 16 in your religion class (April 29th-30th).

There are two ways to fulfill the Christian Service requirement each year:

1.  You may choose to complete all 20 hours through Service in Solidarity

Service in Solidarity are hours in which students perform direct service with an outside agency that serves the wider community. Students must perform the required number of hours at one agency; however, students can meet the Service in Solidarity requirement through a variety of unique and diverse opportunities. Students may choose to: 

  • Participate in Cornerstone.
  • Participate in projects from agencies which are pre-approved by the Campus Ministry Associate for Christian Service. For the list of pre-approved agencies click here.
  • Serve at an agency not listed as pre-approved on the website, but has been approved by the Christian Service Coordinator.  Exceptions to the pre-approved agencies must be applied for on your Campus Ministry profile.
  • Participate in an Archbishop Mitty national or international immersion trip.


2. You may choose to do 15 hours through Service in Solidarity (see above) and 5 hours through Service in Support

Service in Support are hours in which students are dedicating time to serve as an ambassador of the Mitty community beyond normal school expectations (academic, athletic, performing arts, club, or other departmental expectations). At least five hours of work must be completed to count as Service in Support. These hours will be submitted by the Director of the approved program and added to a student's Christian Service profile by the Christian Service Coordinator. These opportunities will be decided upon and approved by the directors of the programs. The pre-approved list for Service in Support opportunities include: 

  • Open House
  • Freshman Orientation
  • Visit Mitty Ambassador (host guests at least 3 times) 
  • Campus Ministry Retreats Leaders
  • Athletic Assistant
  • Advancement Support 
  • Technology Support  
  • AMHS Peer Tutoring

Interested in learning more about how to fulfill your Christian Service Requirement?  Watch this instructional video for more info!

Class Requirements

Freshmen Year

Freshmen will complete 5 hours through the Freshman Day of Service in the Fall.  Therefore, they must complete 15 hours of direct service, either entirely through Service in Solidarity or through a combination of Service in Solidarity and Support, in addition to those hours in order to fulfill the requirement.  Freshmen do not have to serve at the same agency they visited on the Day of Service, however, their remaining 15 hours of service must be performed through one agency.

Sophomore Year

Sophomores must complete 20 hours of direct service, either entirely through Service in Solidarity or through a combination of Service in Solidarity and Support. 

Junior & Senior Year: Thematic Requirement

Juniors and seniors are required to adhere to specific themes for their Christian Service work so that they are challenged to explore new ways to serve and are able to connect their work to the religious studies curriculum.

Juniors and seniors will complete 20 hours of service at one agency of their choice that serves a marginalized community. The term marginalized refers to those who live on the margins of our society and are often underserved.  This group includes persons who are disadvantaged by poverty, disabled persons, elderly persons, and persons in hospice care.  If you have questions about whether your agency fits the theme please ask your religion teacher or stop by Campus Ministry to talk to the Christian Service coordinator.

Full verification of hours for all students is due on Week 16, Day 1 second semester (May 1-2, 2018). Upon completion of hours, hours must be verified with the agency using the AMHS Verification of Hours form, entered into the database, and forms turned in to the religion teacher.

Christian Service Steps 

Please watch this instructional video about how to log/verify your hours.

Step 1: Choose your agency 

1. If you need help finding an agency, click here to see the Pre-Approved Agencies
2. If you know where you want to volunteer, but it is not on the pre-approved list, you need to fill out a Christian Service Proposal


Step 2: Complete your Intent to Serve 

1. Click here to complete the Intent to Serve Form.
2. Click here to complete the Parental Authorization Form with your parents


Step 3: Perform your service

1. Schedule an appointment with your agency
2. Perform your service with the mindset that all individuals are created in the image and likeness of God.

*Remember to bring your Verification of Hours Form (found here) with you to log the hours you are serving!


Step 4: Verify your hours 
You have two options to verify your hours:

1. Click here to download and print the Verification of Hours Form and bring it to be signed by the supervisor at your agency.
2. Have the agency provide a letter of verification on official stationary.


Step 5: Record your hours 

1. Click here to enter/update your service hours.


Step 6: Complete your requirement 

1. Follow your teacher's instructions for the Christian Service Reflection. 
2. Turn in your completed Verification Form to your teacher for verification in the Campus Ministry Database by Second Semester Week 16, Day 1.


Step 7: Continue your hours 

1. Click here if you are interested in learning more about the St. Francis of Assisi Service Award!

Congratulations on completing your hours!


Verification of Hours

At the start of the second semester and at various other times during the year, your religious studies teacher will require you to log in and enter the hours you have completed as of that date. This will allow your teacher and guidance counselor to view your progress and give you support and help if necessary.

By the due dates posted above, you must provide written verification that you have completed at least 20 hours at one service agency through a signed Verification Form or a letter from your adult supervisor. Submit this to your religious studies teacher, who will check your form(s) and verify your hours online.