
The AMHS Confirmation Formation Process prepares Catholic students to complete their initiation in the Church through the Sacrament of Confirmation.

Students who wish to participate in the AMHS Confirmation process must make an appointment with their pastor and then need to secure written permission to participate in the AMHS Confirmation program.

The Confirmation Formation Process consists of a series of Monday evening meetings aimed at helping the students prepare for the Sacrament. Meetings focus on strengthening the faith community; deepening the individuals’ Catholic faith by examining the gifts of the Holy Spirit active in their lives; and examining the roles and responsibilities of confirmed members of the Catholic community.

All sophomores who have been baptized and have a desire to be fully initiated into the Catholic community are encouraged to prepare for and receive the Sacrament of Confirmation. Juniors and seniors who are not yet confirmed are also welcome to enroll.

The AMHS Confirmation Formation Process complements the students’ experiences of retreats, religion classes, and Christian service in order to strengthen their Catholic identity. With the help of peer leaders, the process encourages small and large group fellowship and reflection, and offers opportunities for communal worship and prayer. Candidates are supported on their faith journey by their Confirmation sponsors, by the AMHS faith community, and by the Diocese of San Jose. 

Confirmation Calendar


Registration will be opened November 1 to December 1  Your complete registration consists of the components listed below. Your application is not complete until all parts have been submitted. 

1.  Register: The online registration must be completed by going to your Campus Ministry Profile.

2.  Registration Fee: A fee of $10 is requested of each candidate to offset costs of materials, stipends, and refreshments. Financial assistance is available and has already been applied for students receiving tuition assistance.

3.  Pastor permission letter: Students must have the permission of the pastor or parochial vicar of your parish in order to participate in our formation process.  We are unable to accept students into the formation process without this permission.  Please allow ample time to have this form signed and returned. Due December 1st

4.  Baptismal certificate: A certificate of Baptism is required. We need this record to complete the sacramental registry. Due December 1st