Why do I have to do service?

Christian Service is an integral part of Catholic education and Mitty’s goal to form respectful, just, and faith-filled leaders. The Christian Service Program provides students with the opportunity to witness their commitment to Christian values through service to the wider community.

How many hours do I need to complete?
Every student needs to complete 20 hours of Christian Service each year. Most students complete all 20 hours at an outside agency, which we call Service in Solidarity. Sometimes students who donate significant amounts of time to help the school are awarded 5 hours for Service in Support. This means they only need to complete 15 hours of Service in Solidarity at an outside agency.

Where can I serve?
You can serve at any non-profit agency on our pre-approved list on the AMHS website.

Can I work at multiple agencies?
No, in order to complete the minimum requirement of 20 hours, you must serve at one agency. This is to encourage you to build relationships at your chosen agency and to demonstrate loyalty to their cause. Once you have completed your 20 required hours you are more than welcome to continue serving at other agencies!

What if my agency is not on the list of pre-approved agencies?
If your agency is not on the list of pre-approved agencies you must submit a service proposal. You can do this by logging into your Campus Ministry profile, clicking on the “Intent to Serve” tab, and choosing the “Submit a service proposal” option. You must fill out the form with as much detail as possible about why you think your chosen agency fits the requirement. The Christian Service coordinator will review your proposal and send you notification of approval within two weeks.

When can I start my service? 
Service hours for each school year can begin after graduation.  The service requirement can begin and be completed during the summer.

How do I log my hours?
You log your hours by logging into your Campus Ministry profile, clicking on the “Enter Hours” tab and logging your hours in the space provided.

How do I get my hours verified?
Print out the verification of hours form found HERE and complete both the front and the back. This form needs to be signed by both your parents and your supervisor at the agency so don’t forget to bring it with you to your service! Once you have completed your hours and you have all the signatures you need, turn it into your religion teacher so they can verify your hours in the system. 

How do I keep track of my hours so that I am sure that I get credit?
Be sure to record your hours on the Verification of Hours form found HERE.  Bring the form to your service site each day, and have an adult supervisor sign the form to verify the number of hours for the day.  At the end of your service, an adult should sign the bottom of the form, verifying the total number of hours for the year.

What if I started or finished my hours over the summer and didn’t bring a timecard?
A typed letter describing the work that you did and the total number of hours served that is signed by an adult supervisor is sufficient.

What does it mean to do “direct service”?
We ask that all our students’ service involve direct interaction with people. For example if you are working at a school, you should be tutoring and working directly with the children, not filing papers or grading. If you are working at a hospital, you should be directly interacting with the patients, not doing janitorial work or food prep. And if you are volunteering with a sports team, you should be coaching, not score-keeping or working in the snack stand.

What is the thematic requirement for Juniors & Seniors?
Juniors & Seniors must serve a marginalized community so that they are challenged to explore new ways to serve and are able to connect their work to the religious studies curriculum. The term marginalized refers to those who live on the margins of our society and are often underserved. This group includes persons who are disadvantaged by poverty, disabled persons, elderly persons, and persons in hospice care. If you have questions about whether your agency fits the theme please ask your religion teacher or stop by Campus Ministry to talk to the Christian Service coordinator.

Can I complete 80 hours freshman year and complete the graduation requirement? 
No.  You will complete 20 hours of service each of your four years at Archbishop Mitty.

Once I complete my initial 20 hours, may I serve at other agencies? 
Yes.  Your minimum 20 hours must be at one agency, but you are encouraged to serve as many hours as possible at any agencies of your choosing.

Can I work at the same agency all four years? 
Since juniors and seniors must adhere to specific themes, you will most likely need to explore a different agency for these years.

Can I go back to my old school to do my service hours? 
Yes, provided that you are a Freshman or Sophomore and that you work directly with students and do not perform administrative or janitorial tasks.  Tutoring and coaching meet the criteria for our service program, but filing and similar office work does not.

If another student already had an agency approved, do I still need to complete a service proposal?

Can I be a coach? 
Once again, you are required to work directly with the children.  Work such as maintaining fields or selling food and drinks in a snack shack does not earn service hours.

Can I perform my hours through fundraising events such as Relay for Life or the March of Dimes?
Only preparation and committee work for these events earn service hours, not time spent walking around a track or course.  If you spend at least 20 hours as a leader who helps to organize dimensions of these events, that meets the service requirement.

If I play a sport, can I still do Cornerstone?
You will not be able to participate in Cornerstone during your season, as your practice times will conflict with the Wednesday afternoon service outings.  Since there is a fall group and a spring group, be sure to apply for the group that fits your schedule.

What should I do if I have more questions?
You can always ask your religion teacher or the Christian Service coordinator in Campus Ministry if you have any further questions about your specific service!