Life Team

Student leadership is the hallmark of our Campus Ministry program and distinguishes it from other programs. Students are central to all facets of Campus Ministry. They help plan, organize, and staff all school retreats, liturgies, and a variety of other programs. The heart of the Campus Ministry Program at Archbishop Mitty is the LIFE Corps.

What is LIFE Team?

The LIFE Team is a group of committed students who seek to be actively working ministers to the AMHS community and ultimately, to the world.  LIFE Team plans and organizes all Campus Ministry programs including retreats, liturgies, and school-wide service opportunities.  “LIFE”  is an acronym for Living In Faith Experience. Members of the LIFE Team seek to bridge a life of faith with a life of service.  Within LIFE Team, there is a group of leaders called LIFE Corps (pronounced “core” as in the Peace Corps).

Do I have to be Christian to be a member of the LIFE Team?

The LIFE Team is “Christocentric,” meaning that it is rooted in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.  We look to Jesus as a model of discipleship and a source of inspiration.  As a Catholic school, we also seek to encounter God through prayer and the sacraments, especially the Eucharist.   Although most of the LIFE Team members come from the Christian tradition, past members have come from diverse faith traditions.  These LIFE Team members have contributed to our understanding and appreciation of other religions. The most important quality of a LIFE Team member is a desire to grow closer to God and be of service to the community. 

What is the difference between LIFE Team and LIFE Corps?


The LIFE Team is a group that will support a person’s faith development during their senior year. A person who is on the LIFE Team is a role model for others and will have some opportunities for leadership.  This commitment is more suitable if you are involved in multiple extracurricular activities. LIFE Team members attend 3 meetings & 3 Base Community nights per semester. 

LIFE Corps

The LIFE Corps makes a larger commitment to Campus Ministry.  The Corps members are the primary leaders in Campus Ministry. They will attend more meetings and have more opportunities to lead Campus Ministry programs, such as retreats, liturgies, Freshman Orientation, Christian Service Drives, etc.  Attending divisional liturgies is a requirement. Because we want people on Corps to be involved in all aspects of the AMHS community (sports, performing arts, student activities, etc.)  we will make some accommodations during a particular season. However, if a person anticipates being over-extended, it would be better to join the “team” and not the “corps.” 

* If for some reason this poses a difficulty for a candidate, financial aid is available on a limited basis.  Please see Mr. Wesmiller or Mrs. Roberts if you have questions.

What is the application process?

Every senior in the school has the opportunity to join the LIFE Team.  However, there are a limited number of spots available for the LIFE Corps Formation Retreat.  A selection process will be based on the strength of the application, past experience with Campus Ministry events, extra-curricular involvement, and the desire to have a balanced Corps.  Applications will be open the first half of April.  You can apply by going to you Campus Ministry Profile.