
The retreat program at Mitty is an essential part of the communal and spiritual experience at Archbishop Mitty. Through participating in a retreat, students are able to deepen both their personal spirituality as well as their friendships with classmates. Retreats are offered at every grade level. Senior students, recent Mitty alumni and faculty members lead all retreats.

Sign Up for a Class Retreat:

Waiting Lists:

When you register for a retreat, you will either see a green button indicating a retreat is available or an orange button indicating the retreat is currently full. Clicking on the orange button places you on the waiting list.  You may place yourself on the waiting list for multiple retreats.

Financial Aid: 

A student should not be discouraged from signing up for a retreat based on finances.  The cost of a students retreat is automatically adjusted in the on-line student registration based on the percentage of aid they recieve for tuition.  So for example, if a student receives 50% financal aid for tuition, they recieve 50% for retreats.  If you need to set up a payment plan rather than paying one-time on-line, please contact Kim Roberts

Withdrawing From A Retreat:

If you are withdrawing from a retreat and do not wish to sign up for a different retreat, go to the Retreat Withdrawal/Transfer Form.  If you are withdrawing from a retreat more than 30 business days prior to the event there will be no charge, 6-30 business days prior to the event there will be a 50% refund, and 1-5 business days prior to the event there will be no refund. Your form will be processed within 5 business days of its submission, and if you qualify for a refund, you will receive the refund within 30 business days.

Please note: In the event of illness or a family emergency (and you cancel within 1-5 days prior to the retreat) you may request a refund for 50% of what you have already paid for the retreat.  However, you will only be allowed to make this request once during your high school career.  

Transferring From One Retreat To Another:

If you have registered for a retreat and would like to transfer to another one, go to Student Registrations to see if the retreat you'd like to transfer to is still available.  If the retreat is still open, withdraw from your current retreat by completing the Retreat Withdrawal/Transfer Form. If there is space available, we will transfer you to the requested retreat and let you know if any additional fees apply.  If the retreat you are transferring from is more than 30 business days away, you will lose 0% of your fee; if the retreat you are transfering from is within 6-30 business days, you will lose 50% of your fee; and If the retreat you are transfering from is within 1-5 business days, you will lose 100% of your fee.    

Class Retreats

Kairos (Seniors) 
Cost: $300
Register here

The Senior Kairos retreat experience is a profound experience of God's immeasurable love. On this retreat, Seniors discover the grace of God's presence in our lives through family, friends, and community. "Kairos" comes from the Greek word meaning "special time." Graduating Seniors often comment that Kairos is a life-changing event. The retreat is a three-day, two-night experience.

Kairos 1: September 17-19 (Full)

Kairos 2: October 8-10 (Full)

Kairos 3: November 5-7 (Full)

Kairos 4: January 28-30 (Full)

Kairos 5: March 18-20(Full for Girls)

Kairos 6: April 8-10(Full for Girls)

Quest (Juniors)
Cost: $265
Register here

Juniors are invited to participate in one of five weekend Junior Quest retreats. Retreatants will discover and explore their own personal quest as they move through their high school years and beyond. These retreats leave Thursday after school and return Saturday at noon.

Quest 1: September 13-15 

Quest 2: November 1-3 (Full)

Quest 3: January 31-February 2 (Full)

Quest 4: February 28-March 2 (Full)

Quest 5: March 28-30

Agape (Sophomores)
Cost: $150
Register here

Sophomores are invited to participate in one of five overnight Agape retreats (Agape is the Greek word for "unconditional love"). Retreatants will examine their "love" relationships and growth in their ability to truly love (self, peers, family, and God). Retreatants leave on a Friday after school and return Saturday evening.

Agape 1: September 7-8 (Full)

Agape 2: October 12-13 (Full)

Agape 3: November 30-December 1 (Full)

Agape 4: January 18-19 (Full for Girls)

Agape 5: February 8-9 (Full for Girls)


Awakenings (Freshmen)
Cost: $150
Register here

Freshmen are encouraged to attend one of five overnight Awakenings retreats. Retreatants are introduced to the concept of what a retreat is and how important it can be for developing their own spiritual life. Retreatants leave on a Friday after school and return on Saturday evening.

Awakenings 1: September 7-8 (Full)

Awakenings 2: October 12-13 (Full for Girls)

Awakenings 3: November 30-December 1 (Full)

Awakenings 4: January 18-19(Full)

Awakenings 5: February 8-9(Full)