Mitty Advocacy Project

Action on behalf of justice and participation in the transformation of the world fully appear to us as a constitutive dimension of the preaching of the Gospel, or, in other words, of the Church's mission for the redemption of the human race and its liberation from every oppressive situation. (Justice in the World #6)

Program History

In 2008 a group of Mitty juniors and seniors, interested in finding opportunities to work for solutions to the social injustices they witnessed on their immersion trips, approached their Religious Studies teachers for guidance. With support from the school, this small group became a delegation to Catholic Lobby Day in Sacramento. From a modest beginning, our coed membership has grown from 12 to over 100 members and our advocacy initiatives have expanded to encompass legislative advocacy, grassroots action, and community education.

Who are we?

Students learn how to put their faith into action as they engage in legislative advocacy, grassroots action and education programs that solidarity with those who are those who are suffering from preventable and reparable social inequities in California and the national level.

In addition, MAP members have the opportunity to participate in a variety of field trips related to student-selected social justice issues, as well as legislative advocacy meetings with elected officials locally, in Sacramento, and in Washington DC.  Through such advocacy, students develop skills in legislative analysis and strategy, communicating and building relationships with elected officials and their staff, public awareness campaign development, and negotiating and managing differences in opinion.

MAP members may complete their Christian Service requirement through 10 hours of on-campus contributions to MAP initiatives at weekly meetings plus 10 hours of participation in off-campus events over the course of the school year.  

What do we advocate about?

At the beginning of each school year, MAP members propose, discuss and vote on their top four to six most pressing social justice concerns. Over the years students have identified: the need to Stop Human Trafficking locally as well as globally, concerns about the Foster Care program, support for DACA, and a desire for comprehensive Immigration Reform.

The current slate of advocacy issues: Gun Violence, with a focus on concerns about school safety and access to firearms. Criminal Justice, with a focus on concerns about police accountability, juvenile sentencing, rehabilitation programs, and racial biases. Immigration Reform, with a focus on migrant worker rights and support for immigrant youth.  Mental Health Awareness, with a focus on support programs in schools, among migrant and immigrant communities, and for victims of human trafficking. Environmental Justice, with a focus on ocean acidification, climate refugees, and indigenous peoples’ land rights. Additional issues of concern among our student advocates -- LGBTQ Rights, Affordable Housing and Homelessness, Voter Education -- fall under the MAPx umbrella, the project team that focuses on enhancing social justice awareness in our school community.

How can I get involved?

Students of all beliefs, backgrounds, political affiliations, and points of view are welcome to participate and work together to build a more just society. Anyone interested in joining MAP is encouraged to come to one of our Wednesday afternoon meetings (2:45-3:30, room 105) to learn more. Students can sign up online at Join Map.

I’m not at Mitty yet. How can I get involved?

Follow our advocacy activities on our program website, see pictures and video from our advocacy projects and trips, and read more about the social justice issues we care about on our blog.


  • 2010-11
    • MAP creates the Catholic Youth Advocacy Network at the request of the California Catholic Conference. 
    • MAP launches the annual California Catholic Youth Advocacy Day, Sacramento at the request of the California Catholic Conference (ongoing). 
  • 2011-12
    • MAP is selected to deliver a mainstage keynote speech at the annual Ignatian Fellowship Teach-In for Justice, Washington, D.C.: Organizing a Catholic Youth Advocacy Day in Your State. MAP is selected as well to deliver a conference workshop: Creating an Effective Advocacy Program on Campus.
  • 2014-15
    • MAP is selected to deliver a mainstage keynote speech at the annual Ignatian Fellowship Teach-In for Justice, Washington, D.C.: Criminal Justice Reform as a Solution for the Future.
  • 2015-16
    • MAP is selected to deliver a conference workshop at the annual Ignatian Fellowship Teach-In for Justice, Washington, D.C.: A Catholic Community Responds to Human Trafficking: Super Bowl 2016.  
  • 2017-18
    • MAP launches MAPx, a project team that focuses on supporting student response to injustices that arise during the course of the school year. MAPx launches its first big project in conjunction with Campus Ministry: the Walkout and Parkland Memorial.