Student Driving and Parking Regulations

Student Parking Permit

If your son or daughter will be driving to school, please fill out the following form that requires both a parent and student signature. The form will explain all regulations regarding parking on the Mitty campus. Have your son or daughter bring the completed form along with their driver license to the Dean's Office for proccessing.
Student Parking Permit (pdf).

Parking Regulations

Senior, junior, and sophomore students are extended the privilege of driving to Archbishop Mitty High School.

1. Any vehicle driven to school by an AMHS student, whether parked in a campus lot, or on the street, must be registered with the school and must display the current parking permit on the lower left corner of the FRONT windshield (driver side).  Students who periodically drive a second vehicle to school do not require an additional permit but must sign in the vehicle in the Temporary Sign-In Log in the Attendance's Office upon arrival.

2. Parking is on a first-come, first-served basis.  Students are permitted to park in the following areas:

  • west campus lot (designated senior and carpool parking only) in unmarked spaces;
  • east campus lot in unmarked spaces;
  • S. Doyle Rd and N. Doyle Rd. (expressway side only);
  • Moorpark Avenue adjacent to softball field 
  • Park Meadow Dr. by Mise Park (park side only until second semester).
  • Mitty parking lot at John Mise Park(second semester only).

3. Students will be fined $10, assigned a Saturday detention, and may be required to move their vehicle if parked anywhere except the above locations.

4. Vehicles parked in lots must be parked between the white lines.  All vehicles improperly or illegally parked anywhere, i.e. parked more than 18” from the curb, blocking a driveway, will be fined $10.00.  Fines must be paid to the Assistant Dean within three (3) school days or the student will be liable for detention.

5. The school is not responsible for the vehicle or its contents.  Students should make every effort to hide from view any valuables left inside their vehicles.

6. All students must be licensed and covered by insurance.  Students are expected to comply with the DMV first-year driving restrictions with regard to transporting other students.

7. Students parking on city streets are subject to City enforcement of all laws.

8. There will be no speeding over 5 m.p.h. or any form of reckless driving on school grounds.  There will be no speeding or reckless driving coming to or from AMHS or a Mitty event.

9. When violations of these regulations occur, consequences can include suspension of driving privileges, towing of vehicle, and/or being placed on Disciplinary Monitoring.

10. Student vehicles are subject to search by an administrator when there is reasonable suspicion that dangerous, stolen, or illegal goods may be present.  A student's refusal to cooperate with such an examination may be considered sufficient reason to suspend the student, possibly involve law enforcement, and refer him/her to the Student Review Board or to immediately dismiss the student.

11. Loitering in or around student vehicles, including before and after school, is not permitted.  Because of closed campus, students are not allowed to go to their vehicles until after 2:00pm without permission from the Dean’s office, and only then for emergencies.

12. Students are not allowed to leave their vehicles parked on campus (North, East, or West lots) over night unless they have specific approval from the Dean or in the case of school sponsored events such as retreats or athletic contests.

Student Driver Carpooling

In an effort to reduce the number of student vehicles needing to park at or near school, the following incentive program, with resulting parameters, is in place:

1. The student driver must submit to the Assistant Dean a completed AMHS Student Driver Carpool Contract (pdf) to obtain the necessary decal.

2. The student driver must be compliant with DMV first-year driving restrictions with regard to transporting peers.

3. The student driver must transport at least one student passenger who is not an AMHS sibling (or in addition to the sibling).  The driver is not permitted to pick up students who drive to school and park elsewhere, i.e. Mise Park or VTA lot, as their “qualifying passenger.”

4. When the student driver arrives by 7:50am, (s)he will be permitted to park between the white lines in the “C” spaces reserved in the west parking lot nearest the main gate entrance.  If (s)he arrives after 7:50, available “C” spaces will be given away and (s)he will likely have to find parking elsewhere.

5. The student driver will display a green “C” decal next to the AMHS parking permit on the front windshield that identifies them as a qualified participant.  If (s)he periodically drives a second family vehicle to school, this static cling decal can be transferred to that vehicle (description information for all family vehicles should be included on the carpooling contract), or (s)he must sign it in at the Attendance Office in the Temporary Sign-In Log.

6. If the student drives to school alone, (s)he will not be permitted to park in a “C” space that day.

7. If one of their passengers sometimes drives them to school, (s)he must submit their own contract and obtain their own decal (decals are not transferable between drivers).

Traffic Directives

Please be aware of and adhere to the following directives regarding student drop-off/pick-up and student drivers:

1. CARPOOL! The Main Office can provide you with information about other families who live in your area. In addition, we encourage you to continue to carpool even after your students gets his/her driver’s license. Just because a student can drive doesn’t mean that (s)he has to drive a separate vehicle to school. This greatly impacts congestion and the number of students looking for parking! Finding available parking and parking appropriately are particularly challenging tasks for inexperience drivers. If your student must drive to school, we provide an incentive to encourage student driver carpooling. Please consult Student Driving & Parking Regulations—Student Driver Carpooling on this website for additional information.

2. Unload and load passenger(s) in the neighborhood north of school on Park Meadow Dr. (by Mise Park) & Bevans, or the neighborhood south of school off of Doyle/Glentree. Do not unload students at the Queen of Apostles Church/School lot.

3. Use the passenger loading zone in front of school on Mitty Ave. to drop off and pick up your student(s). This zone is indicated by the white curb and signs, and it extends almost the entire length of AMHS. Please pull forward along this street.

4. North Staff-Visitor Lot (Mitty Ave.): As the sign directs, do not use this lot unless you are coming into school for an appointment. Do not block the driveway leading into this lot.

5. West Lot (Lawrence Exp./Doyle Rod.): Be aware that students and faculty also drive and park in this lot. Do not stop in the fire lanes. Follow the signs and pavement arrows; portions of the lot indicate one-way traffic. When you exit this lot onto Mitty Ave., it is RIGHT TURN ONLY from 7:30-8:00am and 2:30-3:00pm. You will not be able to turn left to get onto Lawrence Exp. or turn left onto Bevans. Signs are posted.

6. East Lot (Mitty Ave. & Queen of Apostles School): As you enter this lot for student drop-off, do not pull into numbered parking spaces. Follow the sign and pavement arrows to the left, then unload your passenger(s). Exit out of this lot is RIGHT TURN ONLY from 7:30-8:00am. When you arrive for passenger pick-up, do not pull into numbered spaces unless directed by a parking supervisor. Exit out of this lot is RIGHT TURN ONLY from 2:30-3:00pm. Signs are posted.

7. Avoid the following:

  • Blocking residential driveways and parking in red zones.
  • Double parking or letting out/picking up students in the middle of the street.
  • Pulling into residential driveways to turn around on Mitty Ave.
  • Making U-turns on Mitty Ave.
  • Ignoring the directives of our parent parking supervisors.
  • Using Queen of Apostles Church/School lot for AMHS pick-up/drop-off.

Things such as these create a tense relationship with our neighbors, are potentially dangerous, and set a bad example for teenage drivers!

First Year Driver Restrictions, Curfew and School

Parents of first-year drivers may be faced with the issue of their driver needing to transport a sibling to school, and the issue of students out past city curfew for Mitty events, i.e. dances.

Exceptions stated by the DMV to first-year driver restrictions are:

  1. Schooling or school-authorized activities when reasonable transportation facilities are inadequate. You must carry a statement by the school indicating when the schooling or school-authorized activity will be completed.
  2. Necessity of family when adequate transportation facilities are unavailable and you need personal transportation or to transport a family member. You must carry a signed statement by a parent/legal guardian verifying the reason you must drive and the probable date the necessity will end.

Information concerning school hours of operation and timeframes for events can be found here on our website.

Print out this information, attach it to a parent letter, and have your student carry this in their vehicle.  This also applies to driving past curfew from Mitty events.  Other materials distributed by Athletics, Performing Arts, etc., might also provide pertinent information that can be carried by a student.  Ultimately it is the police officer stopping a vehicle who “grants” the exception.